Les portes, 2001

An event has taken place - an energy has been expressed that is both destructive and liberating - it already belongs to the past, because by fixing it on the lens the artist has confirmed the facts. But paradoxically, these photographs, which are essentially still images, retain the tension of urgency, the sensation that these spaces are about to disappear. The artist stops them in a transitory moment before a new upheaval, a new revolution, perhaps before a possible rebirth. As in the Leaves series, and in most of Marie Amar's other works, silence and time are at work. But this silence is deafening with contained violence and revolt. Fabienne Fulchéri. Independent curator. Director Centre d'art l'Espace de l'Art Concret
Set of 11 colour photographs, Archival pigment on baryta paper white large marges. 15.74 x 19.68 inches /40 X 50 cm - 3+2 AP. Collection of the Fond National d'Art Contemporain.

Sans titre. Les portes, 2001. ( année de création). Collection du Fond National d'Art Contemporain. 2005
Sans titre. Les portes, 2001. ( année de création)
Sans titre. Les portes, 2001. ( année de création)